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Benefits of a Business Valuation

There are many instances wherein one needs a comprehensive business valuation, such as:

  • Partner Buy-in/Sale
  • Marital or Shareholder Divorce (i.e., litigation related matters)
  • Acquisition or Sale
  • Estate and Gifts (IRS purpose-driven)

Instances such as the above, to name a few, require a business owner to have obtain an analysis of the Practice's current value . With a thorough valuation analysis of the healthcare practice, the Client/Owner will possess key information that can help a business owner navigate these, often lifechanging, decisions.

Business owners often receive offers for their business, and in many instances, they do not have understanding of the fair market value of the business. In such instances, the services of an experienced and unbiased valuator can greatly benefit the owner to know business’s value and get the right offer price.

A well prepared and reported valuation of the business will highlight weaknesses in the business, providing opportunities for business owners to mitigate weaknesses and prevent further erosion of value. Similarly, threats to the business are also identified in the valuation process, providing an opportunity for the business owner to be proactive in meeting those threats.

An annual valuation of the business may be used as a benchmark to assess the performance of the business in its execution of the corporate strategic plan. A series of annual valuations provides objective information to shareholders so that they may evaluate management and make appropriate changes. An annual valuation also provides clear performance metrics and promotes accountability.

Doctors Valuation considers many factors to provide the client a valuation that is unique to the needs of the practice owners and set of facts necessitating the valuation. Our experienced valuators compile pertinent available financial information that, through expert analysis, results in an evidence to the practice's overall financial health. During the analysis process, future growth of the practice is considered and, as able, compared to the industry through the compilation of trends in the marketplace. Once the information is gathered and analyzed a report is developed to the customization of the needs of the client.

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